Sabtu, 07 November 2015

iPhone 7 Slide Early

iPhone 7 Meluncur Lebih Awal

Just two months iPhone 6S and 6S Plus iPhone officially on sale, but a number of rumors about its successor has begun to spread. Apple reportedly will begin to start the process of developing that iPhone 7 is released more quickly.

Quoted from Phone Arena, Friday (11/06/2015), a reliable source revealed plans Apple. Dikatannya, a company based in Cupertino, California, USA The schedule advance the design, development to production processes.

He also said that the schedule dimajukannya because Apple did not want to lose the moment increasing reservations iPhone in many different countries. Moreover, iPhone 7 will offer a different design than its predecessor.

The statement as affirming rumors circulating lately. 7 where the iPhone will carry a curved screen.

When you see the pattern over the years, usually after removing the S version, Apple will release the iPhone with a different shape. As in 2012, after the release of iPhone 4S, Apple updated his cell phone with a different shape. Similarly, in 2014, Apple re-change the design of the iPhone 6.

Sure to prove it we have to wait for its official release. When sourced KGI analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, Apple's brand-new phone will be launched mid-year coincided with the release of iPhone 4 inch sail.

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