Minggu, 15 November 2015

Criticized Just Cares Terror Paris, This Answer Facebook

Dikritik Hanya Peduli Teror Paris, Ini Jawaban Facebook

CALIFORNIA - After releasing the "Safety Check" to search for survivors of terror in Paris, France, on Saturday 14November, up to protests. Mark Zuckerberg's social network was assessed only concerned the Paris.

On the other hand, there netizen assess terror more terrible in Beirut that do not get attention from Facebook. To that end, Vice President of Growth Facebook Alex Szhultz, said that this activation is the decision to try something they have never done before. As is known, these features are present prior to the precarious condition of the natural disaster.

"So we decided to try something we've never done before, that activates Safety Check for anything that is not a natural disaster. There is always a time that the first of a new thing, even in the current complicated and sensitive, and for us it was Paris, "Szhultz wrote on his Facebook as reported by TIME, Sunday (11/15/2015).

Furthermore, Szhultz also stated that it is still going to learn more about the features just launch it. The goal, to help users show support and concern.

"We want this tool is available whenever and wherever they can help. We will learn a lot of feedback from this launch and we will continue to explore how we can help people to show support for something that they care about through Facebook profiles," he concluded.

Not only the "Safety Check", Facebook also allows users to create the French flag as a profile picture. Over four million people use these features and more than 360 million people received notices that their friends safe.

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