Kamis, 12 November 2015

Hydra, Pluto's moon Furthest that "Drunk"

Hydra, Bulan Terjauh Pluto yang

CALIFORNIA - Most moon in the Solar System to have the same rotation with the planet. But it does not apply to the natural satellite system Pluto.

Pluto's moon does not run in sync as usual months, especially the month named Hydra. As depicted in the video animation NASA, Hydra (blue in the video) moves like a "drunken man" whirling fast in rotation.

According to research, it's farthest moons Pluto rotates at least 89 times per orbit. Scientists think that this behavior occurs because the "Charon exert strong torque which prevents small monthly settling in synchronous rotation".

Meanwhile, motherboard, Wednesday (11/11/2015), called Charon itself to be in a traditional formation with four other months. Nevertheless, New Horizons will continue to send data and images of Pluto and moon eccentric meetings.

"It is hard to imagine how fast our view of Pluto and its moons when developing a new data stream coming every week," said Alan Stern, New Horizons principal investigator for NASA. "As outlined in the data discovery, Pluto be the 'star' of the Solar System."

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