Rabu, 18 November 2015

Squid This Life Again After Cooked

Cumi-Cumi Ini Hidup Lagi Setelah Dimasak

JAPAN - A video on YouTube attracted the attention of netizens. The video showed a squid cooked back "dancing" on the plate.

Reporting from the Mirror, Tuesday (17/11/2015), the squid are initially at rest in the bowl presented to customers who record culinary experience. But after sprinkled with soy sauce, the calamari was moved back to the wild.

However, the video recorder did not seem worried about biting squid is coming back to life. He took his chopsticks and put most of the squid's body into his mouth.

According to the video caption, squid moved back because the muscle to absorb sodium from soy which are sown on it. Muscle spasms and as it then makes the squid alive again.

The video was filmed in Hakodate, Japan, on November 15 last. A total of 80 thousand people have watched the video on YouTube.

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