The terrorist network that seems to already know the onslaught of the authorities to monitor any communication, either through a phone line, Internet, and networking soosial. But after investigation it turns out, the plot using the console that is now fairly widespread use in the world, namely the Sony Playstation 4 which seems fairly.
Communication is one of the results found by the authorities raid on one of the hiding place in Brussels Belgium, where bersebunyinya the perpetrators of terror. Authorities find be some evidence of one of them a Playstation console 4 which is allegedly used as a primary communication tool. "It often makes me wake me up at night is a person behind the computer desk listening to the blasphemous speech of terrorist groups through the Internet ... now they use the network Playstation 4 on the internet that is clearly very difficult to track than WhatsApp" So says Jan jambon which serves Belgian security ministries.
Unknown, Playstation IP based Voice System is very difficult to trace than lay communication are used as phone, VOIP and other social networks. Here the group peneror irresponsible can freely communicate without leaving a trace. Peritiwa This is the second involving a video game console, where last June a teenager was arrested for dealing with terror organizations that use its console PS 4 to download the design of the bomb to be detonated.
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