Senin, 26 Oktober 2015

These Five Best Camera Apps for Android

Ini Lima Aplikasi Kamera Terbaik untuk Android
Make great photo results and without the intervention of the processor (RAW), is now starting ogled by a number of vendors of smartphones, especially android phone users.

No other, they started targeting the lovers of photography. As do LG G4 which presents the results for each jepretannya RAW images, so the image becomes more alive and classmates with a DSLR camera.

To maximize the results of the photo, you can use the five best camera app for android, as reported Phonearena, Monday (10/26/2015):

Manual Camera

This camera application aims to provide access to the manual camera control. With compatible devices, you can control such as focus, white balance, shutter speed, ISO, and exposure settings.

This application can also control any parameter automatically for you, making it possible to change the desired camera settings like the self timer on the screen, and flash control is also available.

However, users are advised to check the smartphone compatibility before purchasing this application so that the application of the maximum to support your handset.

Camera FV-5

FV-5 camera app makes you as if using a DSLR camera. With this application, you are free to adjust the image focus, white balance, shutter speed, ISO, and exposure compensation.

On the other hand, there are some useful mode you want, such as programs and priorities on the ISO speed when taking photos at high shutter speeds with the camera settings are adjusted automatically.

To take pictures more convenient, this application allows you to change the camera settings on your device with the volume button is pretty neat.

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