Senin, 26 Oktober 2015

Students figure "Metal" which Found Water on Mars

Sosok Mahasiswa
GEORGIA - For most college students, finding a job and moved away from home is a big decision. However, there are always people who actually reap the success of the decision.

Nepalese man named Lujendra Ojha is one of them. The man who is familiarly called Luju being moved to the United States to undergo doctoral education in space science department at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Ojha ensure user signs of liquid water on Mars. This research he started five years ago and adds evidence for signs of life on the Red Planet.

Tweet about Luju, nickname Lujendra Ojha, appeared approximately 1,800 times until Thursday, October 1 yesterday. Praise him through social media including US senators, John McCain and a number of citizens in Nepal.

Many Twitter users were congratulated and expressed ukungannya against students who also like to play metal music is on the discovery.

25-year-old man came across the layers on the surface of Mars in an independent study during his undergraduate education at the University of Arizona, USA in 2010.

"I came across the biggest opportunity of my life," Ojha said at a conference in France.

This layer is the result of the liquid flowing from the top of the cliff and form the walls of the crater during the summer on Mars.

This stream leaving dark colors extends before it dries when the temperature on the planet has dropped dramatically.

"The results of this latest study is the invisibility of the surface layer that shows the difference in color. We see the visible light and infrared light, based on different materials that absorb light, we can compare laboratory data and infer what the material contained in the layer, "he said.

Using instruments from NASA called CRISM, Ojha and his team concluded that these layers contain salt.

NASA held a press conference stating 'the mystery has been solved', but we learned a little bit of information, thought Ojha.

Material of this salt can lower the freezing point of water up to 80 degrees Celsius and vaporasinya level up to a factor 10. This allows the water to flow longer on the cliffs and crater walls on Mars.

This discovery led researchers and observers of the space is very vibrant.

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