Senin, 19 Oktober 2015

Secretly, Nintendo already Distribute Developer Kits for NX

As one of the world-famous gaming company, Nintendo seems to not want to miss with its competitors who have first introduced the next-gen consoles. The lapse of three years released Wii U, Nintendo is now getting ready to provide the latest for the fans that NX.


Citing the Wall Street Journal, this time Nintendo developer reportedly has distributed kits to the game makers for their latest console machine that Nintendo NX. For those who do not know, developer kits is a kind of tools that will be used to create a game for a particular platform. Although impressed quietly, Nintendo seems determined to launch NX next year if there is no obstacle.

For now, though the market is still held by Nintendo's mostly children, but a variety of interesting games are still waiting for the company. One of the most anticipated names to present a game in Nintendo is Yoshifumi Hashimoto with Bokujou Monogatari or familiarly known as the Harvest Moon.

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