Such as What is the Face of Earth 500 Years? WASHINGTON - The age, instead of getting ugly, the Earth appears to be even more beautiful. Something like whether this Blue plane face in the next 500 years?
Citing HowtoStuffWork page, Sunday (25/10/2015), there are two different views about what will happen to the Earth in 500 years, or the 26th century. First glance, some analysts say that the planet Earth is no longer a friendly place to live human beings.
Adverts had on Earth, according to analysts view the first, will be colder or hotter than ever. Mentioned that in the year 2500, the Earth's land will be covered by ice.
While other thoughts, just say the Earth in the year 2300, will be hot for human life due to the exploitation of fossil fuel use is excessive.
In contrast to the view given by a theoretical physicist and futuristic named Michio Kaku. According to him only within a period of 100 years into the future, humankind will make a leap of civilization type 0 to type I is based on the measurement method using a scale Kardashev.
Michio said that the human species will be able to utilize all the energy of a planet. With the ability to control all of that, people in the 26th century will be the host of clean energy technologies such as fusion and solar power. Not only that, they can manipulate the energy on the planet to control the global climate.
Another physicist Freeman Dyson namely, predicting that leap will happen sooner approximately 200 years.
Technology continues to increase exponentially since the 1500's, making human civilization grew and eventually also make the Earth more different faces. Phenomenal physicist Stephen Hawking said in the year 2600, will be born 10 new physics theory every 10 seconds.
Moreover, who will appear in the next 500 years? an author named Adrian Berry believes, eventually people will have an increasingly long life span up to 140 years. The human personality can be stored digitally, which would eventually give birth to a computerized immortality.
Humans, said Adrian, will be farmed in the sea, to travel into space to live stay on the Moon and Mars. While the robot is given the task of exploring the cosmos in space.
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