Selasa, 27 Oktober 2015

Crocodiles Asleep Just One Eye?

Buaya Tertidur Hanya dengan Satu Mata?

Have you ever fallen asleep with just close one eye and let the other one open? The feeling was not a human style when resting, but it is done by a crocodile.

Citing pages Softpedia, Tuesday (10/27/2015), in a recent study released in the journal Experimental Biology by researchers wildlife together with a number of scientists from Australia's La Trobe University, found that the crocodile is often slept with one eye open.

The reason, it carried a crocodile to keep watch on the surrounding environment which may potentially pose a threat. Suppose there is a surprise attack, this carnivorous animals can respond immediately.

This behavior is increasingly becoming, when crocodiles sleeping realize there are people who are nearby. Researchers from La Trobe University, said the reptile's eyes will open wide only when aware of human existence.

"The researchers found that crocodiles are more likely to sleep with one eye open when humans are present. The eyes were open, staring always directed to the movements of human beings, "wrote the researchers in a report.

Not only crocodile, it turns out dolphins and other aquatic mammals have similar things. They call this behavior with the term unihemispheric sleep.

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